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5/17 Weekly Schedule

Mr. Kuntz

This week we all have a busy week ahead of us, so please make sure you're being proactive with your homework, studies, and sleep! To make sure we're all on the same page, here is what's going on for the Bands this week:

Monday, 5/17 - VPA Festival Dress Rehearsal (Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble)

Period 6 & 7 - Move equipment outside to the stage

2:15pm - Dress Rehearsal begins outside in theater parking lot

- Students should grab whatever they need to perform (instruments, music (BINDERS WITH PLASTIC SLEEVES AND CLIPS), instrument masks...etc.) and report directly to the theater parking lot. Students should not be hanging out inside.

3:45pm/4pm - Approximate rehearsal end time for high school students. Please check the VPA Festival Dress Rehearsal Schedule below for approximate times. Once students are done performing with their group, they may leave, however, I will need students to help clean up and carry equipment inside after we're done rehearsing.

Tuesday, 5/18 - Marching Band Leadership Workshop & Recruitment Rehearsal

2:15pm - Leadership Workshop in Band Room

3pm - Walk over to middle school

3:30pm - Recruitment Rehearsal Begins (at Middle School)

5:30pm - Rehearsal Ends. Students can either be picked up at the Middle School or can walk back over to the High School with Mr. Kuntz

Thursday, 5/20 - VPA Festival (Wind Ensemble, Concert Band, Jazz Ensemble, Indoor Percussion)

5pm - Concert starts in the theater parking lot (arrive early, plan for traffic)

7pm/7:15pm - Bands perform

- *My expectation is that all Band students are in attendance for the ENTIRE FESTIVAL. We need to continue to support the other Visual and Performing Arts departments.

- Concert black concert attire

Friday, 5/21 - VPA Festival (Rain Date)

Same times and expectations as Thursday.

Saturday, 5/22 - Band Banquet

2pm - Banquet starts in the auditorium for the awards ceremony. Banquet portion in cafeteria and courtyard following the ceremony.

- This is a formal event, so please dress accordingly.

Coming up…

- Monday, 5/24 - Jazz Ensemble Concert

- Tuesday, 6/1 - BPA Meeting

- Tuesday, 6/8 - Final Marching Band New Member Interest Meeting

- Thursday, 6/10 - Marching Band Leadership Auditions


Williamstown High School

700 N. Tuckahoe Rd.

Williamstown, NJ 08094

(856) 262-8200

Site © 2021 Williamstown Band Parents Association.

Some items © 2021 Monroe Township Public Schools.

Additional copyrighted media used with permission.

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