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Mr. Kuntz

Scarpinato's Jazz Fundraiser Concert

Updated: May 14

Wednesday, 5/29 - Jazz Fundraiser Concert - Scarpinato's Cucina & Catering (194 Fries Mill Rd, Blackwood, NJ 08012)

  • 4:15pm, Report for attendance, already dressed in concert black & pack the blue trailer.

  • 4:30pm, Load the bus and depart (15 min drive)

  • 4:45pm, Arrive at Scarpinato's

    • Load in, unpack instruments, use bathrooms

  • 5:15pm, Warm Up

  • 6pm, Event begins (the students will perform music throughout the night, divided up into 3 different sets with some breaks mixed in)

    • Students will be able to eat a buffet style dinner provided by Scarpinato's, paid for by the Band Parents

  • 9:30pm, approximate load buses (15 min drive)

  • 10pm, approximate return to WHS

  • 10:15pm, approximate dismissal after clean up

  • Tickets

    • Parents, Family, and Friends! Reserve your seats right away by completing this Google Form to be added to the guest list. Please complete no later than Tuesday, May 14th.

Dress: Concert Black. Please arrive already dressed!

- Do not wear jeans, leggings, sneakers, polo shirts, or white socks. All concert dress items must be dress code approved. If you are not sure if your clothes are appropriate, ask in advance.


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