Stop by our 7th & 8th Grade Recruitment Zoom meeting!
Thursday, May 28th from 10:30am - 12:30pm. You can join late and don’t need to stay the whole time.
Meet Mr. Kuntz and some high school student leaders!
Learn about the high school Concert Band, Marching Band, Jazz Ensemble and more!
Come to our Marching Band Rookie Interest Zoom Meetings!
For current 7th & 8th grade students
Tuesday, June 9th & Thursday, June 11th from 6pm - 9pm
Tell your parents about our next Band Parent Association Zoom Meeting!
Wednesday, June 3rd at 6pm
Meet Mr. Kuntz and the other Band Parents to learn about how everything is planned and fundraised
The Zoom Information is the same for all of the events!
Zoom Password: GoBand!
Zoom Meeting ID: 812 9601 0747
If you have trouble getting into the Zoom meeting or can’t make the meetings, contact Mr. Kuntz with your questions. We want everyone that’s in the Middle School Band program to join the High School Band program!
Mr. Kuntz Email:
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